Growing Indigo

Growing Indigo

When planning your space, on average each plant will yield enough pigment to dye one ounce of fiber. I recommend planting 5-10 plants for a small garden.

Sowing - Plant indigo seeds indoors in trays or cells. Maintain a damp not sopping moisture level.

Potting On - Potting on gives indigo time to establish good root formation. Three weeks after potting or before planting in the ground, pinch out preliminary center leaves to encourage plants to bush.

Soil Preparation - Indigo loves nitrogen rich soil (ph 7). Apply compost prior to planting to encourage good microbes.

Planting - Plant outside after threat of frost. Indigo prefers warm sunny environments and lots of regular water, especially as it matures. Indigo thrives in full to partial sun. Shelter from wind. Plant in 12 inch intervals between each plant.

Feeding - Water consistently, daily if necessary. Feed every 6-12 weeks, before and after each harvest.

 First harvest - Harvest leaves 6-8 weeks after planting in the ground.

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